Saturday, July 25, 2015

So bad it's something

Our house is a little crowded right now.  Our cousins from Spain are visiting, and while there are downsides (our house can only fit so many Spaniards, so my brother has had to give up his room), they're easily outweighed by the benefits.  Among them was having more people here that hadn't seen the greatest film of the past fifty years, James Nguyen's Birdemic: Shock and Terror.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

More like "A Song of Ice and MIRE" Get it? Because mires are bad

This contains spoilers for A Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire, and mentions gross things that happen to women.  Not liking this trend.  Next week I'll write about kittens or something.

No, this is not a critique of the Song of Ice and Fire TV show, A Game of Thrones.  At this point, "critiquing" the show would be like complaining about someone pooping in your salad, except more sexist.  Really? You don't like this obviously horrible thing that happened? Wow! Tell me more!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

I played a thing from recent times and here's what I thought: DMC4 ("HD" Edition), DmC: Devil May Cry ("HD" Edition") and Character-Action Games in General

This post talks about self-harm and gross treatment of women, and a bad video game.  Also spoilers for stuff.  You have been warned.
I have a weird relationship with character-action games, beginning with the fact that I'm not even confident "character-action" is a full-fledged genre.

Saturday, July 4, 2015


I'm not going to apologize for that title.  The Star Wars one I used was already not great and it's pretty hard to get a pun specific enough to what I'm going to talk about as it is without having to base it on a number.  If you can come up with a better one, leave it in the comments, where I pretend to ignore it and keep my inferior title, but secretly foster a deep feeling of shame.